The 2018 Inman’s Innovator Award winner for the most innovative real estate technology, Kelle is the future of real estate.  Kelle is your AI powered personal assistant for your business.

When analyzing this industrial age, big business is being driven by big data.  Think Amazon, with your personalized shopping experience online based on your previous purchasing and online search tendanies.  Think Netflix, with your personalized compilation of media based on your likes and dislikes. Did you ever call Amazon or Netflix and tell them what you like and dislike?  Of course not. But they know. This is the data revolution.

Big data and AI will either be a competitor or a partner.  At Keller Williams, we opted for the later. We opted to create a platform in which AI and big data is our partner, protecting each of our agents from the industry of the Zillows and Trulias of the world that are simply wanting to take a piece, a big piece, of your agent commission dollars.

Keller Williams is the first to harness this power of AI in the real estate industry.  With this, KW agents will be able to access insightful consumer data like never before resulting in a stronger value proposition to their clients and ultimately more security and money in their pockets!

From Josh Team, Keller William’s President and captain of team Kelle:

“AI is the next frontier,” says Josh Team, Keller Williams’ president and one of the masterminds behind Kelle. “It’s becoming more mainstream, and it allows us to give more value to our agents and clients in a way that technology hasn’t been able to do before. Kelle will give our agents back valuable time.”

Kelle can be compared to the Siri of Apple or the Alexa of Amazon only specific to the real estate industry.  Current and future capabilities include:

  • Access event information
  • Manage schedules
  • Imput contact data
  • Manage contacts
  • View market performance reports
  • Check progress against career goals
  • Access to profit share reporting
  • Find and follow other KW agents
  • Send and receive referrals
  • Discover expert content on KWConnect
  • Manage and access Smartplans

As agents use Kelle, she will become more and more sophisticated.  Think, toddlers have to crawl before they can walk before they can run.  

Imagine having a tool in your pocket that will prompt you to connect with your customer based on the high probability they have a real estate need, i.e. maybe they just got married, or had a child, or posted online they have accepted a new job.

Because Keller Williams is committed to creating technology that truly serves the needs of their agents, agents have the opportunity to submit “Ask Kelle” suggestions and improvements.  Each night an algorithm reads through each submission prompting designers and developers to take action.

With anticipation of AI growth and development to reach $47 Billion dollars in 2020, Kelle is positioning agents now to protect them in the future.  Kelle is designed to equip the agent to become tech enabled, vs the agent that is enabling tech. In the later, technology disruptors will look to position themselves as the fiduciary to the consumer, not the agent.  

Kelle is a high tech solution that is enabling agents to become more high touch with their consumers, elevating their consumer experience.

Here is an example of how to use Kelle: