KW Command is an application built on the Keller Cloud designed to be the dashboard of all dashboards for agents.  Meaning, KWCommand is the new CRM for agents to manage, communicate, and optimize their database and business.

KWCommand is a product ever evolving and currently in the LABS process within Keller Williams.  The LABS process has been developed by Keller Williams to give agents the opportunity to truly create the technology and systems that they need on a daily basis.  Yes, you read that correct. The agents of Keller Williams have a direct say in the technology the company is developing for them.  

Current and future capabilities of KWCommand

  • Tracking your goals – KWCommand will integrate with CGI (Career Growth Initiative) to help agents keep their goals top of mind and track their progress in real time.
  • Calendar – Seamless integration to your calendar system to provide streamline appointment setting, time blocking, and agent training.
  • Contacts – Your one stop dashboard to managing and organizing your contacts.  With simple and intuitive operations, you will be able to optimize your database resulting in the higher conversions and increased value opportunities to your database.  Remember with Kelle, you can access your contacts anywhere, anytime.
  • Designs – Think the “Canva” of your real estate business.  Within the design application of KWCommand you can create professionally designed marketing pieces to fit all your business needs.  Simple, easy to use, high quality visual displays.
  • Listing Consultation – within KWCommand you will be able to produce listing consultation guides with hyperlocal, smart data relative to your clients unique listing and neighborhood.  You and your client will be able to make educated decisions based on personalized quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Opportunities – Tracking all communication and data from the start of a lead to the closing table.  Data entry will be a time of the past with KWCommand Opportunities allowing you to focus on your dollar productive activities… lead generating!
  • Campaigns – Lead generation on steroids.  Create effective and engaging lead generation campaign with a simply user friendly methodology.  The focus of this application will maximize your lead generation. dollars
  • Referrals – Manage your agent to agent referrals in a streamline and collaborative system that benefits you, the referring agent, and the customer.
  • Leverage – As your business expands and leverage opportunities increase, this tool will help you quickly create, manage and optimize job ads while also efficiently tracking your candidates through the Career Visioning process.
  • Smartplans – Say goodbye to sticky notes.  Smartplans is a workflow management tool that will allow agents to create and effectively manage checklists, drip campaigns, marketing, recruiting, and more.   Work to create your own process or use the provided templated system.  Furthermore, want to maximize your proven workflow systems? Market and sell your success system to other agents.  

KWCommand is simply one of the many tangible value adds of a company committed to the success of its agent.