Profit Sharing

Keller Williams has developed arguably the best profit share system in the entire real estate industry.  When profit is created, Keller Williams shares back almost 50% of the profit to its agents that helped contribute the profit.  If there is no profit, there is no profit to share! In the traditional real estate model, 100% of owner profit would stay in the pocket of the owners.  In that model, agents are treated as employees vs business partners.

In multiple ways, KW is the Apple of real estate. Their innovation, systems, culture, and loyalty is unmatched within the industry. The Keller Williams profit sharing system was created as a by-product of treating agents as business partners versus employees.  

Keller Williams Realty has paid back over $1 BILLON to its agents in the form of profit share.

“Profit share is a real thing and a blessing to my family”

– Katherine Sumrall

A true retirement option for agent:

In a traditional business model, once you pull the last sign out of the yard or process your last transactions to closing, you no longer create any income. Agents within Keller Williams, now have an opportunity to create a true retirement option out of their real estate business of helping people buy and sell property. Profit Share, developed in 1997 by the ALC of Keller Williams Realty International at that time, is the reward system in place available to all agents within the organization that help contribute to the growth of the company. Agents become vested after a three year time period in the KW system. After an agent is vested, they will continue to receive their profit share for the rest of their life and beyond. Profit share was designed to be a true legacy and thus can be willed to any agent’s heirs or beneficiaries. What a powerful gift.

Very different from its competitors, Keller Williams Realty does not spend any dollars marketing the Keller Williams brand. You will never see a super bowl commercial or billboard promoting KW. The competitors of Keller Williams spend millions of dollars every year on national advertising. Whereas with KW, these monies are being shared back to its agents.

Keller Williams has shared over $1 Billion back to its agents in the form of profit share. The exponential growth of profit share is simply a result of being the real estate broker of choice. Furthermore, the successes of profit share are the results of the training, education, and culture that drive productivity for each individual agent. What the company has found is that by putting agents on the same side of the table as the owners, agents have more ownership in the success of their business and each market center.

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